Trust Connects


Naturally, we have also been dealing intensively with the topic of transparency right from the start. But what does transparency actually mean for us? How transparent do we want to be as a company? What aspects of our business do we want to disclose and are there areas where we could perhaps go further? One of the most important questions was: do we want to do anything differently from others? The answer is very clear: yes, we want to differentiate ourselves not only in the way we present transparency in our supply chains, but also in our daily actions and consumption of resources. Our aim is to communicate all relevant information as openly and comprehensibly as possible.

Creating trust through transparency
It is essential for us to build trust with our customers and partners, and we firmly believe that this trust can only be created through maximum transparency. For this reason, all relevant data is gradually being disclosed on our website or in our blog. Information about the farmers, cooperatives, varieties and all other important details about coffee are a matter of course for us. But we go one step further: our roastery and bakery are open to anyone who wants to see how we work. Everyone is welcome to take a look behind the scenes and form their own impression of our craft.

In the following, we have tried to give you a comprehensive overview of what transparency actually looks like in our company. This list will be continuously updated and expanded as new data and information becomes available.

Purchase prices and cost structure
The FOB prices and purchase prices of our coffees are listed with the individual products. Our purchase prices do not include taxes, freight costs and branding losses. Currently, the transportation costs for green coffee from the EU amount to around CHF 1.50 per kilogram. For green coffee transported within Switzerland, the cost is currently CHF 1 per kilogram. However, these costs vary depending on the transport company, which is why we have applied a flat rate. The fact is that we currently still have relatively high transportation costs, as we do not yet purchase whole pallets. Pallets from Switzerland often only come with two or three bags. As soon as we can order whole pallets, the transportation costs will be reduced, which will have a positive effect on the price of coffee for you.

We charge 15 % for branding, plus 5 % for cupping and tasting. Our coffee prices are set every year at the end of the year for the following year. At this time we have reliable data and information to guarantee stable and fair prices. The price can be adjusted both upwards and downwards depending on market conditions. In exceptional cases, the price of a particular coffee may be adjusted during the course of the year.

Transparent partners and supply chains
The contact details of our importers, traders and farms or cooperatives are mostly linked and can be found on the product pages or on the "Partners & Farmers" page. Here you can see for yourself who we work with and how our supply chains are structured.

Packaging and material
We also focus on transparency when it comes to packaging. Our packaging comes from Ströbel GmbH (, and the price per 250g pack is €0.45. We pay €0.22 per piece for the labels. You can find more information about the wooden capsules at Bulls Coffee GmbH. We are constantly working to find more sustainable options in this area and to make our materials even more environmentally friendly.

Energy and water consumption
Our roaster, a Typhoon Electro roaster, consumes a maximum of 0.4 KW per kilogram of coffee. The energy consumption in our bakery is higher, especially when using our somewhat older bakery oven, which consumes around 15 KW per hour. However, the oven is only used on Saturdays and Sundays. The water consumption of our bakery accounts for around 70 % of the total water consumption of our business.

Ingredients and suppliers for the bakery
Our main supplier of flour is the Demeter Biohof Trottengarten in Oberstammheim, Zurich. As an alternative source, we obtain flour from Altbachmühle in Wittenau, Zurich. The prices for flour are currently between CHF 2.80 and CHF 3.50 per kilogram, depending on the type of flour. We source other ingredients from local suppliers, such as eggs at a unit price of CHF 0.45 and butter at CHF 18 per kilogram from Wagis Farm in Bibern, Schaffhausen. Emmer wheat and milk also come from the same farm, with the milk price being CHF 1.69 per liter.

Cleanliness and hygiene
We attach great importance to ecological cleaning agents and only use organic cleaning agents from Frosch to keep our production facilities clean. For us, sustainability does not end with coffee, but runs through all areas of our business.

Shipping and logistics
For shipping our products, we rely on reusable shipping bags from Kickbag to help reduce waste here too. This reusable packaging is not only environmentally friendly, but also practical for our customers.

Imported coffee volumes since 2022
Since 2022, we have purchased the following quantities of green coffee from our importers:

Diese Zahlen zeigen unsere kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, die besten Kaffeesorten für euch zu sichern und gleichzeitig die Transparenz in unserer Lieferkette zu gewährleisten. Wir arbeiten hart daran, dass unser Geschäftsmodell nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern auch offen und nachvollziehbar für unsere Kunden und Partner bleibt

Beispielkalkulation Leodan Bautista – El Caliche – Honduras 




138 kg


7500 Lempira / Quintal


3.23 USD / lb

Einkaufspreis (pro kg)

€11.50 €

Importkosten (gesamt)

CHF 120.85

Transportkosten Bremen -> Ramsen (pro kg)

1.38 €

Verzollung (Einfuhrverzollung, MWST, Vorlageprovision)

65 CHF + 2.6% MWST + 5 CHF

Geröstetes Gewicht

117.3 kg

Einbrandverlust (%)


Verkostungskosten (%)


Produktionskosten (pro kg)

CHF 7.47

Stromkosten (pro kg)

CHF 0.05

Arbeitszeit pro Charge (10 kg) Lohn CHF 30/h

1.5 h Rösten + 0.75 h Verpackung

Verpackungskosten (pro Einheit)

0.42 € (Beutel) + 0.22 € (Etiketten)


251 g / 502 g / 1004 g

Verkaufspreis (pro 251 g)

CHF 14.00

Deckungsbeitrag (pro kg)

CHF 31.17

Gesamtkosten (pro kg)

CHF 24.60

Marge (%)



CHF 3799.95